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The Captain Myles Keogh Paddle, Wheel, & Run

Register online for the 2025 Great Race

Step 1: Fill out the form below and click the "Send Form & go to Payment" button at the bottom. At least one team member (team captain) should have a valid e-mail address and a complete mailing address with zip. Be sure to complete the waiver portion of the form at the bottom.

Step 2: You will be taken to the Payment page. Follow the instructions and click the appropriate payment button to send the entry fee (via Paypal.com). You may use your PayPal account but you do not need a PayPal account to register. PayPal will allow you to pay by credit card without signing up for an account.

The team member sending the fee should fill in their current, correct e-mail address in the field below.

Including your telephone number will help in avoiding problems that could delay registration.

Please note: At some point ALL team members must sign or complete a liability waiver to compete. Your teammates will need a team ID number from you to complete their waiver. This is normally your team race number. Team numbers are e-mailed out beginning on July 1. If you are registering early, and want to sign the waivers early, your teammates can use your Great race PIN number in place of the team number. You will see your PIN number on the Payment Screen.

Your Team

Team Name  

Canoe Race:
One runner - 4.2 miles
One Cyclist - 12.4 miles
Canoe (2 Persons), 2.5 miles
Kayak Race:
One runner - 4.2 miles
One Cyclist - 12.4 miles
Kayak (1 person) 2.5 miles
Two Person Tandem Canoe Race,
One runner - 4.2 miles
One Cyclist - 12.4 miles
Both must canoe - 2.5 miles
K2 Kayak Race:
One runner - 4.2 miles
One Cyclist - 12.4 miles
Kayak (2 persons) 2.5 miles
Paddleboard Race:
One runner - 4.2 miles
One Cyclist - 12.4 miles
Paddleboard (1 person) - 2.5 miles
SOLO Race:
Run - 4.2 miles
Bike - 12.4 miles
Kayak - 2.5 miles

Your Event  

The team age categories below are based on the whole number average of team ages. For example, three 40 year olds and one 39 year old would average 39.75 years old. That team would be in the 30-39 category, not in an above 40 category. Mixed teams are males and females. The Stand-up Paddleboard, K2 (2person kayak), and SOLO categories are not based on age or sex. The Family and Corporate categories are not based on age or sex. Families must be from the same nuclear family (not cousins) and contain at least 1 parent or grandparent. Corporate teams must consist entirely of employees of the same company.

Team Category  

Check if ALL team members will be under 21 years of age on race day

Team Runner

First name
Last name
Street Address
Daytime Phone
Birth date
Age on race day
T-Shirt size

Team Biker

First name
Last name
Street Address
Daytime Phone
Birth date
Age on race day
T-Shirt size

Canoer, Kayaker, or Paddleboarder

First name
Last name
Street Address
Daytime Phone
Birth date
Age on race day
T-Shirt size

2nd Paddler

First name
Last name
Street Address
Daytime Phone
Birth date
Age on race day
T-Shirt size

Select Team Captain

Canoer1/ Kayaker/ SUP
Canoer2/ Kayaker2


By checking this box I agree to the terms of the above waiver and release:    

Note: If at any time you used the "Back" button to return to this page, double check the race category above before clicking the send button below

Make Payment

  Do you wish to make an additional donation to the Great Race?: $
  Other Amount: $

Please Note: If at any time you used the "Back Button on your browser to return to this form, you need to double check your category and age group before clicking the Payment button.